a traveled road, a lonely road, a road unknown

Mar 20, 2008 21:07

For over a year now, I have dreaming about my senior spring break. It would be a blast, all of my friends together, enjoying the warm weather, having one last hoorah before our high school careers were over and we all went separate directions. But somehow, this whole thing has turned into a huge fiasco, that leads from one problem to another.

My dad gives me crap every day about paying my own way and that I will have to pay him back someday for all of the money I have spent for spring break and this year. Ok, I know I'm eighteen and that most teenagers my age have a job, but then again, I am recieving a 20, 000 dollar scholarship to a college, i have top grades, and am a highly respected basketball player in oakland county and metro detroit, but of course, all of this is not good enough, I should also have a job. Every day, he has to remind me how much money I owe him and how I will always be indebited to him. So, as spring break rolls around, it seems everything I've tried to organize is all for nothing. Everything I have done has been done wrongly and it's always my fault. Who cares if I get honored as a basketball player....the fact that I can't organize a 10 person trip makes me less worthy.

So as I sit here watching Risky Business, I want nothing more than to leave Michigan and my father behind, to run away from this house and to never look back. I want to be able to throw all of my troubles to the wind for just a week....a week of sanity, of peace of mind, where my father isn't hounding me about everything all the time. I just want.........I want this sense of calm in my brain that I had a month ago. That is all I want.
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