Sep 12, 2009 02:35
So I randomly decided to log onto this place, given it took some work to figure out what my account information was... I got it :) While reading through many of my atrocious posts with seemingly unimaginable grammatical and spelling errors I am very grateful for the way I turned out. I see now that everything happens for a reason and when you reminisce the old days, you'll have no regrets. Given I don't remember all of my past due to several concussions, I believe this is true. I am very happy for what I have been through, because if it had not of happened who knows where I would be today.
I don't know who still looks at these things nor do I particularly care. Feel free whoever is still on here to read on and maybe learn something about me. My name is Amanda, I am currently 19 years old and attending college. I am still of "freshman" status because I did not know how good I had it the first time around. I slacked off in class, didn't show up on many class days, missed an exam, failed a course and most of all wasted my money. Well let me tell you, I have learned my lesson (mostly ;) ). There is always room for mistakes and life will take its own course. However, I like to believe I have some say as to where I go and what I do. This semester I am determined to do better, I will attend my classes, I will do homework (on-time I might add :P), and I will do my best and strive everyday to be a better person.
Time to write about the boy... I have a boyfriend of almost three years now and am always getting so confused I don't know what to do with myself! Relationships are so frustrating but I believe if you put in the time and effort, and at the end of the most heated argument you still love them and can't see yourself without them... you will have a much better chance at love than the next couple who doesn't argue because they are too afraid of hurting each others feelings. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, don't be afraid what other people will think. "those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"
Life is a journey and you may never know where it will lead you, but so far... I'm pretty happy for where it has taken me. I don't know where I'll end up or with whom I'll be there with but I'm certain I will be okay.
I haven't written my feelings down in awhile, and I suppose this doesn't count as "writing" and it's more along the lines of "typing" but hey, "tOmato" "tOmato" in my opinion. Take it or leave it, I liked this and I think I'm going to bookmark "LiVEJOURNAL" right now so I can continue my rants for whoever to see and read.
You are special, don't ever forget it.