quiz that cheslie wants me to take....

Jul 19, 2004 22:43

x full name: Christopher james Broderick
x age: 15
x hair color now: brown
x natual hair color: brown
x grade: 10th
x school: Oviedo high
x screen name: Bballmvp4
x do you play a sport: yep
x are you good at it: eh i do alright

,.:''*'':.,HAVE YOU,.:''*'':.,
x smoked weed: nah
x smoked a cig: nah
x had sex: wouldnt tell u
x consumed alcohol: yep
x done any drug besides weed:no
x skip school to do drugs: no
x stolen anything over 10 dollars: ive stolen things that added up 2 10 dollars.... like a whole box of peppermint patties
x play an instrument: nah
x sing: not out of the shower
x backed out of a dare because someone you liked was there: no if the person i liked was there i would be more likely to do it
x been dumped: oh yea
x asked someone out: yup
x said i love you but didnt mean it:yep
x cussed out one of your parents: nope my moms 2 scary
x ate something that isnt considered food: yup

,.:''*'':.,HOW WOULD YOU REACT IF,.:''*'':.,
x your mom turned lezbo: o__0 .......idk
x your dad turned gay: see reaction above
x your bestfriend of the same sex hit on you: id laugh
x the love of your life said i hate you and ment it:would move on
x you had to stay back a grade:kill myself... im already tall enough, dont need to be with midgit freshies
x you got raped:oh no dont do it... *sarcasm* cept if its a guy
x your girlfriend/boyfriend/crush died: almost kill myself but a friend would interfere
x your parents made you move to another state while they stayed:make new friends

,.:''*'':.,LOVE AND STUFF,.:''*'':.,
x are you in a relationship: kinda
x do you have a crush: yup
x if so who: if u dont kno then u are really outa the loop
x are you in love with someone: yup
x your first love: uhhhh not tellin
x first kiss, good or bad: it was ok
x are you gay, straight, or undecided: straight
x how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had:hmmmm like 7
x how many serious relationships: like 3
x do you want to get married: yes
x do you want kids: yup
x if so how many: depends on when my wife gets tired

x class: dont kno its summer
x person: brittany/cheslie/laber
x band: uhhh jimmy eat world / velvet revolver
x song: slither
x type of music:i like everything
x color: green
x food: purple.....yes its a food
x drink: sumtin with lotsa caffeene
x place to go with your friends: splorin
x place to go with your crush: doesnt matter as long as im with her
x thing to do with your crush: see above
x sport:basketball

,.:''*'':.,YOUR MOST HATED,.:''*'':.,
x class: still summer
x person: there are many people pissing me off
x band: dont kno
x song: vindicated
x type of music: country
x color: dont kno.... why would i waste my time hating a color
x food: rice... dad used to cook, all he made was rice
x drink: idk....stuff that tastes bad
x place to go: places for a long time with my family away from my friends
x sport: idk stupid sports they show on espn 2 when theres nuttin goin on like interprative dance..etc
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