Dec 20, 2008 23:14
One daY ...
wE will bE faCe tO faCe wit God and On this daY Of juDgement, He will list Our wrOngs and Our rights... In that Order i assume.... and Christ will bE standing there either smiling Or in pain...
He will knO us, knO Our truE hEarts and stanD there rEady tO vOuch fOr us, tO dEfEnd us, saying God... i knEw this One, and they knEw me, tHey hEld On tO ur wOrd, and stayEd faithfUll tO the spirit. They madE mistakes yEs, bUt i diEd fOr them and thEir mistakes, they rEpEntED and u had FAVoR fATHER.
In paiN...
He will frOwn and say LOrd .. i knEw thEm bUt they dEniEd mE .. thEy rEfused tO rEst in mE... thEY cOuld nOt lEt gO Of (fill in the blank). Father i was knOcking and thEy rEfusEd tO Open.
GOd will knO wat wE livEd fOr... Him Or nOt Him. wE mUst give acCount tO the creatOr. sOme havE altered His wOrd, and Satan himsElf cOnfused the thOughts Of thOse rEady tO servE. nOOne is bOrn a sinnER bUt intO it. as a baby we r innOCent, bUt when wE lEarn tO liE and learn wat it mEans tO dO wrOng and dO it anyway, wE r hEld respOnsiblE. nO One is pErfeCt bUt Him, that is whY wE must ask Him intO Our hEarts and rEst in Him trusting Him and dOing wat wE can tO bE lik Him. His plan fOr us is greater than wE imagine... in thE hEavens... He awaits us... hE knOws all and seEs all bUt futurEs can changE. Only Christ can givE us a ChangE Of hEart but a chanGe Of heart is a chOiCe, a prOcess, and a dECisiOn Only One can makE fOr thEmselvEs. sO He awaits Our dECisiOn. dOnt takE toO lOng...
Christ fOrgivE us all... fOrgive mE.