time fLiEs

Feb 13, 2008 00:34

nO oNe will really know... man i hate Valentines day... Im hOme finally i spend mOre time in my car than ur average amErican im betting. Man been a while just gOin down memory lane on the comp and thought bout LJ. How Goes things? fOr me..... mmmm they aite, im dOin alot of self-improvement things. Im dOin good in skool attending all classes... nOt letting myself fall behind. sEriously the less u miss in classes the better u r at nOt prOcrastinating. WEll im wOrkin on it, noOnes perfect. yEa.... im home alone alot... i always have sumthin to dO, but noOnes ever home cept my brO n not always. PPl get home late and leave early, sooooo im assumed the resonsibility of the hOuse. hard sumtimes esp. wen i wana be lazy. Life is a little difF nOW. i just wonder if its gona stop, i feel lik its just rapidly flowin n ima slip n fall. Kinda worried. BUt im workin on it. just hOpe time is on my side. I mite not be making sense, but w.E ill be back............ maybe. Peace
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