Jun 09, 2005 10:32
Well I havent updated in years! Oh well shit happens as Julia my beloved would say! Shannon is sitting next to me (we are in the computer lab) and she is wicked excited to have her license she thinks shes the shit. haha little does she know! Kayla Bak is on my other side and she basically just had me give her a full body scratch. so lets recap.
RELAY There was TONS of drama at the relay and what certain people did *will not specify* (everyone knows by now) was really dumb and they need to get a life. They think they are so cool but they really arent - they need to get over themselves. You girls disgust me. Other than that the relay was ok - could have been better but its alright.
Saturday - After the relay I went home and got ready for Jills grad party which was a lot of fun. There were tons and tons of people there and the food was pretty darn good too! After that i had to work and then I came home.
Sunday was graduation and I almost cried...it was sad. Then my mom and Ben left. It was sad that ben left but i am beyond happy that my "mom" left. I could not deal with her. Everybody tells me "but still shes your mom" I dont care because shes a bitch and my dad is waaaay too nice a guy for her. She is selfish and im glad that i no longer have to put up with her. After graduation we came home and my mom and dad got in a relaly big fight. I stuck up for my dad and yelled at my mom and told her how much i dont like her. It was emotional. Then I called Chad to come pick me up and make me happy because i wasnt in a good mood. But then he cheered me up :) After that me and my dad went taylors and had a heart to heart is was cute.
Monday was ok I went to the Y after with Shannon and Meg Healy which was fun i burned 5 hundred something calories. I like doing that it makes me feel good :) Tuesday was mentor training which was a lot of fun! I GOT MY BRACES OFF!! and jenelle the whore got her license! Wednesday was a half day and it was nice. I hung out with chad and then went to the boys baseball game. They lost and the umpires were horrible! you have to take the good with the bad i guess o well! Then we went to subway and I came home. Shannon got her license god help us all!!! We WILL die!
Today is thursday and we are in the computer lab for spanish, yet again. Here is my schedule:
Friday: work 4-10 * Saturday: 5-10 * Sunday: 4-10 * Monday: classes
Tuesday: Chorus Exam * Wednesday: 10 min History presentation/ Algebra 2 exam
Thursday: Biology Exam / English Exam * Friday: Health Exam
AND THEN WE ARE OUT OF SCHOOL!!! I am so excited! Well class is about over so I will go now byebye!!