the hardest letting go of...your dreams.

Aug 03, 2008 22:18

So with a week left of summer I have barely written in this thing. Oh well, i guess thats just the way the cookie crumbles. But I do have something meaningful and mature to write about....Batman.


The Dark Knight was an amazing movie to say the least. aside from the action and Heath Ledgers performance, the philosophies looked at were pretty insightful. The line that really got me (may be off a little on the wording):

"You speak of a time when Gotham no longer needs Batman, but I'm afraid the the time will never come when you (Bruce Wayne) no longer need Batman"

People think that its hard sacrificing yourself for the greater good, but its really not. Infact, if your halfway decent at it, its the easy way out. Think about it. If Bruce Wayne didn't have Batman, he would be nothing but a spoiled rich kid with no direction, no real personality, no real friends.

It's easy to hide behind your superhero. Its easy to sacrifice yourself and put your issues aside to help others. Why? Because if you didn't, you just might see how truly meaningless your life really is. You just might see that its not really a sacrifice, that it's an escape from something that you're too afraid to see.
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