Nov 30, 2004 18:41
so far i kno i have an A in geometry, science, and in language arts.
most likely i'll have a good grade in 6th block (TAing) cuz yeah lol i better
we'll get our report cardz like.. when we conference which is like.. next next week
but itz good cuz we get out early! whoo hoo
k so today was another basketball try out for grlz for benton and of course i went cuz i wanna b in benton's team lol but it was so cold.
after bball try outz me and alex went to Mike's burgers and then walked back to benton lol
it was fun but i was so cold and tired
i have a bunch of homework due tomorrow and i don't kno where to start
ok well ttyl ppl *xoxo*
yay my b-dayz in 6 dayz =]