Sep 03, 2004 07:00
Hey Guyz! How's school goin' for all ya'll??? Mine is pretty good, but it is just so different. Our campus has been all re done so it looks nicer, and all of our good 8th grade friends like Travis, Natalie, Laranda, Heidi, Beth, Oscar and more... have left! I don't think this year will be as fun as last year with all of them missing! It's different and I miss them!!! But anyways, I haven't had much homework lately, but I'm waitin for it to get worse, cuz I know it will! But so far my teachers aren't that bad. Mrs.Higginbottom isn't as bad as I thought she was, but i still would rather have Mrs.Nelson! Other than that everything is pretty good. Oh and guess what!?! LoL Me and Patricia started to play the drums in band now. It's pretty cool, but very different! I'll miss flute, but I think I'm only gonna play drums this year and then in high school go back to flute. I just want a challenge this year, so I'm tryin something different. I will only stick to it if I am REALLY REALLY good at it... as good as I am on the flute... if not, that'll be over! LoL
BTW... I just wanna let you guyz know that Mr.Veatch is in the hospital. He supposedly had a heart attack! I hope you guyz all keep him in your thoughts, cuz he was an awesome teacher!!! :o(
Anyways, as of today... I am 14!!!!! I set my alarm clock last night for the time I was born, which was 4:53 AM and I got up at that time this morning! So as I am writing this lovely entry... I am 14! Isn't that awesome! HaHa "Happy Birthday To Me! Happy Birthday To Me! Happy Birthday Dear Chelcey.... Happy Birthday To Me!!!!" YAAAAY!
Moving right along... LoL... I want you guyz to comment on this entry and lemme know how school is goin' for ya! I'd like to keep myself updated on my friends lives... as for the ones that went to different schools! So Please COMMENT!!! I'll keep you updated on my life too! We need to keep LJ going! So update people update!!!!! Anyways, I g2g2 school now, so I'll talk to ya later! Love Ya Guyz, and So Long!