WE ARE 8TH GRADERS! WOW THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!! Natalie and christine and Bynafsha i will miss you!!!!!
ok this is what happened today ok well 1st and 2nd period were awesome cuz we were at the P.E. place instead cuz mr van wig couldnt come today ( yes! ) and so i did favors for mrs shinko and roamed the school with michael while chewing gum from a lollipops mrs boden gave us! lol she gave us lolli pops with gum in them lol cuz i ditched the P.E. place and went to mrs boden then 3rd period BORING sat around eating cheetos with my friends then during P.E. i sat on the outdoor stage with shannon then meryl and austi came and joleen came and we found out something scary! wow sad! then 5th period i sat on the outdoor stage with shannon and talked and during 6th period i left class and pulled meryl out of her class and talked also about the scary thing then amanda came over to meryls class where we were talking about what was going on. then RING schools over!!!! so meryl and i went with taylor weiss to taco bell then we went vons and got gum and m and m's then we went to promotiom to see my bro and our 8th grade friends promote! and ate m and m's and gum then i left and at 4 we went to stuft pizza as a family to celebrate my bros promotimg ... im suffed anyway that was my last day in hell ( even though i dont think its hell)
gtg -Lindsay- i <3 U