Jan 28, 2011 14:01
When I am reading I normally don’t mark in my book. I just try to get through it hoping that I remember what I have read instead of trying to understand it. I used to mark and take notes in high school because it helped me remember what I have read when I go back and read my notes that I have marked down. But recently I have not been taking notes. I just read right through whatever I’m reading and try to get through the book as fast as possible. I guess I don’t mark anymore because I just have become lazy. I do believe that if I start marking as I read it probably would be more helpful because I would understand and remember more of what I read. I often find myself reading and a couple pages later I think to myself, “what did I just read?” This would explain some bad research papers or book reports in the past when I didn’t use the marking technique. I try to look up words that I don’t know or understand. But I always forget to write down the definition after I look them up to remind myself what that word meant. So I usually never learn that word that I look up. After reading my textbook I will definitely start marking in my books and making notes so that I could follow along better and understand what I am reading and not think about what I missed later on.