Dec 21, 2003 15:09
When i first started going back to school I came home to tell my step mother that i had a great day.. that morning i got into a fight with mystepsister who i used to share a room with anyways... i told my step mother that I was thinking of moving to westbrok gardens because me and cass dont get along.. but she told me i could have her room.. so i accepted thinking that things were going to be fine... well apprently not!!! Today i find out that she is moving out of this house... therefore i need to find a place to live... so i go with my first decision... move to westbrook gardens like i was going to B4 SHE TOLD ME NOT TO BUT NOW ITS DIFFERENT!!!! so i go over to the house today its fucking TRASHED its discusting well welcome to my world... i fucking hate people... and itsnot even there faults... it just sucks...
I think someone**someone in bold letters* was giving another person wrong ideas about OTHER PEOPLE!! you know who you are go fuck yourself