Title: What You Need
readishmaelPairing: Walt/Jesse
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~17,800
Spoilers: Through 3x13, “Full Measure”
Disclaimer: This is for fun, not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Breaking Bad belongs to Vince Gilligan, AMC, and Sony Television.
Warnings: Angst; schmoopy/fluffy hurt/comfort wish fulfillment; Daddy!kink.
Dedication: To
squonkfan. I love you; you have no idea.
A/N: The first part of this has been behind members lock at
bb_slashfor a year now, but since I'm making the rest of it public, I thought I should re-post part one, as well. Forgive the tense change between it and the rest of the fic. Thanks to my first round beta
sydpenguinbunnyand my second round beta
mspotamus. Also thanks, as always, to my girls at the clubhouse, for early feedback and everything else. And thanks as well to all of the above, plus a few others who have read this ahead of my posting it, for assuring me that it's not completely ridiculous. Lastly: there is art for this fic from the awesome
capgras_syndrom, which you can see
here. I'd leave it for the end, though.
Summary: After the events of 3x13, Walt helps Jesse cope.
Links go to my journal.
Parts 1-2 Parts 3-4 Part 5 & Conclusion