Mission Statement and Guidelines for Readers

Mar 02, 2014 17:33

New to Shousetsu Bang*Bang? Have some questions about just what's going on here? Want to know why we do some of the things we do the way we do them?

Here's a great place to start! We've got our mission statement, which outlines the parameters of the project, and some answers to some of the more pondered imponderables around here. Got other questions? Here's the place to ask!

Shousetsu Bang*Bang is a webzine for original gay fiction/boy's love oneshot stories. We publish nine issues a year, and all are available online for free.

Established in 2005, Shousetsu Bang*Bang is intended as an online, English-language text equivalent of one of those All Yomikiri Bimonthly Summer Special 100 Extra Pages!! manga phonebooks where every story is a complete romance, self-contained in 30 pages, and heartwarmingly predictable. All stories in the regular issues contain stories of romance between men, are between 1500 and 23,000 words, and include explicit male-male sexual content. The special spring issue shifts the focus to women, and all stories in that issue include explicit female-female sexual content; also, our summer Yes, And issue opens up the field to any explicit sexual content but that which would be found in regular issues. Our Artist Special issue maintains the m/m focus, but contains short comics and illustrations. Though tone and subject vary from story to story, the spirit of the 'zine is one that encourages true love and happy endings.

1. All our content is free. Shousetsu Bang*Bang is an entirely volunteer-run project; everyone, from the editorial staff to the contributors to the people who share links on Tumblr, gives of their time and effort freely. While we may one day create physical editions where we ask for help defraying production costs, the stories in these editions will remain free to read online.

We host all our content primarily on s2b2 and we mirror everything at shousetsubangbang.com. We have no control over what ads LiveJournal might show, but there is no advertising on our site.

Shousetsu Bang*Bang is distributed under a Creative Commons license. You may download, link to, print out, and redistribute all you like -- so long as you do so freely, with the original attribution intact, and with links back to the original project preserved.

2. Stories have no content warnings. You can find the full explanation behind our reasoning here, but the gist is that individual senses of what constitutes objectionable content vary widely, and we want neither to set off false alarms nor to give false senses of security.

The one exception to this is when an author asks for a warning to be placed on their own story. If a story has a content warning on it, it was the author's choice to include it.

3. Stories have no summaries. You wouldn't find them in a literary magazine, a book of short stories, a fiction anthology, or even the aforementioned All Yomikiri Bimonthly Summer Special 100 Extra Pages!! manga phonebook, and you won't find them here.

4. Stories in issues are meant to be read in order. Each issue is carefully curated by the editorial staff. While it's not against the law to read at random or to follow a favorite author's work, consider approaching each issue as a whole.

5. Leaving feedback is vital to the project's continued success. Part of the reason all our content can be free is that authors and artists feel this project is worthwhile enough to donate their time, effort, and creations to maintaining. Your support shows them their work is appreciated and encourages them to keep contributing to future issues, giving you more lovely things to see and read!

Our website allows for anonymous 'likes' to be given to entries by clicking the little green hearts at the bottom of them, and both the website and LiveJournal allow for comments (also given anonymously, if you like!).

While some do, not all contributors answer comments left on their work. Some stay silent to maintain their anonymity as much as possible, some find it difficult to respond to praise, some would like to but lack the time to compose the responses they'd want to give, and some have simply moved on to do other things with their lives. However, most contributors do still keep track of the comments left for them, so you should never assume that your nice words have fallen on deaf ears; in fact, most contributors hang on every kind thing someone says about their work, whether or not they make any noise in reply.

We encourage our readers to become our contributors! We have guidelines for authors and guidelines for artists, that help explain the nitty-gritty of getting your work published in Shousetsu Bang*Bang, and you can always get in touch with us via the comments to this post, our Twitter, our Tumblr, and shousetsubangbang@gmail.com.

You can also contact each of us individually: ladysisyphus is the editor-in-chief and primary contact about both specific submissions and the project in general. Editor beeblebabe is also the social media coordinator and handles most associated matters. All technical questions should go to relvetica, our webhost and behind-the-scenes wizard.

guidelines, admin

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