Physical Editions Poll

Jan 30, 2014 21:29

Now that we've finished mirroring everything on our website, we're moving on to other things on our to-do list, and one of the big ones is paper editions.

At present, we're considering experimenting with printing short runs of upcoming issues in magazine form. What would they look like? Well, that's where the experimenting part comes in! But relvetica has a printer and a knack for getting these things together, so at least we'll probably be able to do it all in-house.

The idea is that these would be distributed first free of cost to any contributor of that issue who wants a copy, and then the remainder would be available to anyone else interested for the price of postage. We're not out to make money, and we're definitely not out to make money off work someone else gave us for free, but we figure it's fair to defray some shipping costs (especially since some of these issues are not small). Another nice thing about doing the printing ourselves means that we could print as few as one at a time, so we wouldn't have to worry about organizing preorders or meeting a minimum count.

However, even so, we know these are going to be no small amount of work, and therefore we've created a quick poll to gauge interest. Hope on over and tell us if you're super-excited for the idea, you're tentatively excited for the idea, you're planning on being excited on an issue-by-issue basis, or you'd rather save your excitement for other things. If a whole bunch of people are chomping at the bit, we'll get right on that! If it turns out that general enthusiasm is low, well, we've definitely got other projects to keep our hands from growing idle.

Some of those other items on said to-do list include ebook editions of individual issues and our Greatest Hits compilation, the latter of which has been in the works for quite some time, but which we hope will be more than worth the wait. Stay tuned!


Quick deadline reminder: The On the Air deadline is Tuesday, February 18 and the Earth, Wind, and Fire deadline is Tuesday, March 18. If you're thinking about writing for one or both of those, do go check out the relevant signup posts; a lot of amazing artists have volunteered to illustrate, especially for the f/f issue, and you're a fool to pass up the chance to get someone to draw your story for free!

And if you'd like to be or use a beta for either of those stories, the beta signup post is open. Leave a comment if you need or can offer help.

poll, admin, ebooks

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