beta signup for issue 41

Jan 22, 2013 18:12

This is the beta sign-up post for the Hookers and Blackjack issue; the deadline for that issue is Tuesday, February 19. If you would like to beta-read for the upcoming issue, comment here with the number of stories you're willing to handle, any other notes on your betaing style (e.g., if you're willing to help with issues other than spelling/grammar, such as plot, characterization, prose flow), and the best way to get in touch with you.

You may comment here also if you need a beta reader for your submission, particularly if you have specific issues with your story that you think might benefit from a new set of eyes. Please indicate clearly whether you're seeking a beta or volunteering as one.

To avoid blind-leading-the-blind situations, please volunteer as a beta reader only if you yourself are confident of your spelling, grammar and syntax, and that words mean what you think they mean when you use them in sentences. As a minimum, you must be able to fix the majority of the problems listed in the resources linked from the Writing Aids and Standards post.

As with illustrators, please contact beta readers by responding directly to the comments.


Reminder #1: Signups for the Tea for Two f/f issue are also open! Our once-a-year lady-focused special issue is always both spectacular and under-loved, so I'm even less bashful than usual about drumming up interest for it.

Reminder #2: If you're an author who's interested in contributing to either of those issues, even if you've already signed up, it's always worth going back and revising those signup posts to see what artists have volunteered their talents. Many artists don't even need the story finished to begin working on an illustration for it -- if you've got a good idea of where the story's going and what you'd like to see, just ask! (Plus, though this may just be me, I find having engaged an artist a fantastic way of ensuring I'll actually finish my story.)

Reminder #3: We've got more social media presences than you might think (some maintained a little more diligently than others), and you can find/like/friend/join/whatever us at: our main website, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, DeviantArt, y!gallery, and Archive of Our Own! Companionship and signal boosting are always appreciated!


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