deadline reminder and notes on formatting

Dec 09, 2012 08:48

Deadlines for the final issue of the year are fast approaching! Authors, yours is in two days -- Tuesday, December 11 is when we need to have text submissions in. Artists, of course, have until the following Saturday, December 15 to deliver us their holiday goodness.

As always, if you anticipate deadline problems, please let us know as soon as possible and we'll see what we can work out.


For most authors, this isn't an issue, but if you write multi-part stories and/or have stories with illustrations in them, let me have a word with you:

Don't be afraid to be bold when you're marking things like that in your story. Obviously, we're going to come through and make all changes and additions necessary for posting, so any formatting that's clearly strange and giving directions to the editorial staff won't make it into the published document. If you want an illustration in a certain place, don't be afraid to put something like '[ILLUSTRATION #2 GOES HERE]' in the appropriate location, in a giant font, in a bright color, bolded, underlined, whatever. Similarly, go on and leave lots of extra lines between story parts and/or mark breaks with text, colors, formatting, etc.

What we'd prefer you not do is send us an email telling us that an illustration should go after a certain phrase, or that the story should break between the third and fourth sections, or giving other directions like that; while I doubt it'd ever wind up with anything in the flat-out wrong place, it still makes us have to do unnecessary hunting and pecking. Just go on and mark up the document!

Since I've had a few people ask recently: please just send illustrations straight to our usual inbox, shousetsubangbang(at)gmail. If you'd like to host them on your own server instead, that's fine; just put the HTML into the story and send us a copy of the images anyway, to prevent against future broken links.


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