Prospective participants list for Bang*Bang Special #1

Jan 13, 2011 20:54

It's been a long time, but it's ladies' night again!

This is a signup for the March 20 issue; the deadline for the issue is March 15. Please comment here if you plan to submit a story or artwork for this issue. Artists should specify whether you're submitting a standalone piece, offering to illustrate a story, or both. Artists offering to ( Read more... )


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Comments 41

jibrailis January 14 2011, 02:09:01 UTC
Sign me up for a story!


drmoonpants January 14 2011, 02:12:49 UTC
I still have NO CLUE what I'm doing but okay okay


flamebyrd January 14 2011, 02:24:44 UTC
Signing up but putting in an obligatory objection to Northern Hemisphere-centric nature of prompt!

(Not that I think it's a bad theme or anything, I just feel the need to point these things out. I won't be writing it, but for unrelated reasons.)


ladysisyphus January 14 2011, 02:32:08 UTC
Hence the 'or that you're thinking about as summer slips away'. Alas, English madrigals do tend to have a certain geographic weight to them.


flamebyrd January 14 2011, 02:34:52 UTC
That's true! I retract my objection, then.

(I've changed seasons in the last 4 days and am currently deeply resentful of winter.)


dalmasca January 14 2011, 02:34:24 UTC
Signing up for writing o7. And I need to keep at my story for winter, thanks for the reminder.


newtypeshadow January 14 2011, 02:40:20 UTC
Sign me up for a story as well, please!

It's been far too long since I wrote f/f. ♥


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