Themed Rec List Challenge + Remix Challenge

Jun 16, 2008 04:56

The Themed Rec List Challenge is now active on bangbangwhimper. Go here for the parameters - there aren't many, the point is to be imaginative. And to rec stories, of course. XD

Because I never compiled the remix stories as promised... here they are:

Title: Emerald Tiger [The Well of Ghosts Concert Mix]
Author: Kubaru Suki (少年好き 配る)
Remix of: Emerald Tiger by Shinju Yuri (真珠百合)

Title: Ingmar Bergman [The Thinking Hat remix]
Author: Torino Koji
Remix of: Ingmar Bergman is Dead by Nijiiro Sumi (虹色 墨) and Tougyo (闘魚)

Title: Red Coat (Red Maiden remix)
Author: Kagamino Kage (鏡乃影)
Remix of: Red Coat by Roselia Grimm

Title: Sky Castles (Shudders remix)
Author: Usagi Anami (兎あなみ)
Remix of: Sky Castles by Shouga Naiko (生姜ないこ)

Title: Wintering (Icarus Ascending remix)
Author: shukyou (主教)
Remix of: Wintering by Koizumi Shinme (恋墨新芽)

Title: Wintering [The Fast-Burning Fuel Mix]
Author: Kubaru Suki (少年好き 配る)
Remix of: Wintering by Koizumi Shinme (恋墨新芽)

Another belated thanks to those who participated, remixers and remixees alike. ^^


The current issue is on track - lots of reading. XD A couple of you still haven't received a response, but you're liable to have it by tomorrow. There won't be any "boring bounces". It wasn't the most - efficient? - way of expressing or parametrizing the issue, but I was impatient. Thanks for sharing all your thoughts on the topic, and also for the unrequested motion of confidence. It's appreciated, and rather humbling besides. ^^;


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