cover by PatchyCrocuta ~*~
No Soap Radio, by Togi Kayako (土宜草子) *
The Heart's Own Cementation, by Iron Eater *
Frigid, by spitkitten *
C7, by Oh Kashi (王菓子) *
The Killing Type, by juou no zan (女王のザン) *
soulmates are stupid i love you on purpose, by shukyou (主教) *
The Last Time, by melanofly
Bite, by the Winter Cynic
Well, friends, we did it: another year of Shousetsu Bang*Bang!
For our final issue of the year, we present our theme-free big bang: over a quarter of a million words, tons of images, and more smutty queer goodness than you'll know what to do with. Hopefully, in this busy season, you'll be able to find a quiet moment to enjoy curling up by the fire (or the air conditioner, depending on your location) with these stories of love.
If you'd like to return this Non-Denominational Holiday Gift-Giving favor, please do two things: one, share the news on social media, and two, leave comments for creators telling them how much you enjoyed their work. We remain an all-free, all-volunteer publication because so many people have worked their tails off this year, all for the love of making things and sharing them with others. Appreciation is our currency here, so please remember to tip big.
We hope you'll join us again in 2022, where we have lots of things to look forward to -- including our centennial issue!
Check out the list of themes and dates, then
click here for our Google Calendar with the dates pre-loaded and add it to your own so you don't miss a beat.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us continue to be the content we want to see in the world.
Love (and other gay shit),
your editors
(For summaries, authors’ notes, and more, we would usually tell you to see this issue’s entry on the Shousetsu Bang*Bang wiki.
In the interim, however, please visit the relevant thread at the SSBB Bulletin Boards for similar content.)