Themes and Dates for 2022

Sep 02, 2021 17:05

Always forward, never straight! We're looking ahead to 2022 with a batch of themes and dates leading up to (so exciting!) our 100th regular issue!

To make sure you don't miss a single deadline, click here for our Google calendar with the dates pre-loaded.

Issue 95: Celebrity Skin
* issue date: Monday, February 28
* text deadline: Tuesday, February 15
* art deadline: Saturday, February 26
Everybody wants to be naked and famous in our red-carpet first issue of the year!

Issue 96: Coming Around Again
* issue date: Monday, April 25
* text deadline: Tuesday, April 12
* art deadline: Saturday, April 23
That porn you like is going to come back in style.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR ISSUE 96: In some ways, this is a normal issue, where we take all the new stories written specifically for this theme of reincarnations, revivals, revamps, and returns -- so if you're inspired for that, go for it!

However, because this continues to be a much-requested theme, since we last did it all the way back in 2017, we're declaring this issue another a redo/remix/rewrite opportunity. If you've had a particular story/artwork run in SSBB before and really wished you could give it a good overhaul, this is the issue for you! Give that piece a second chance with a fresh coat of paint, a few plotline tweaks, or a whole brand-new happy ending.

You may also remix someone else's story or artwork -- but only with the original creator's permission.

Issue 97: Fit to Be Tied
* issue date: Monday, June 27
* text deadline: Tuesday, June 14
* art deadline: Saturday, June 25
Get ready to show some restraints for an issue that's bound to be sexy!

Issue 98: The Way We (Never) Were
* issue date: Monday, August 29
* text deadline: Tuesday, August 16
* art deadline: Saturday, August 27
Bring your best period pieces to this (alternate) historical issue, where the past isn't always what it used to be.

Issue 99: 'Til Death Do Us Part
* issue date: Monday, October 31
* text deadline: Tuesday, October 18
* art deadline: Saturday, October 29
Our traditionally spine-tingling October issue will have you saying "I do" to making everyone's Halloween sexier.

Issue 100: Theme Free
* issue date: Monday, December 19
* text deadline: Tuesday, December 6
* art deadline: Saturday, December 17
Can you believe it? Our centennial! Join us for the biggest, bang-bangiest theme-free issue yet!

SPECIAL NOTE FOR ISSUE 100: Instead of doing our standard single-creator cover, we invite all artists to submit covers for our hundredth issue! We'll gather them together as a mosaic, then showcase each one of them individually. You don't have to sign up for this one -- we'll go with whatever we get!

This cover opportunity is also open to artists regardless of if they've done an SSBB cover before, how recently they did their last cover, or how soon they're scheduled to do another cover. We really want as many people as possible to contribute!

Interested in doing a cover for one of the first five issues? We're looking for full-color, finished pieces with homosuggestive, if not downright homoerotic, themes. Looking back at the covers of our previous issues, you can see that they run the gamut from sweet to sexy, from serious to silly, and everything in-between.

If you're game, send us an email at and list your top three theme choices. We can't promise that everyone will get everything they want, but we'll do our best. Preference will be given to individuals who a) have been active participants in SSBB, and b) have not done a cover the previous year.


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