Suggestions for Future Themes

Aug 28, 2020 12:02

Shocking as it may seem, this is around the time of the year when we usually start planning for the next year's batch of issues.

We want to know what people want to write and draw. So if you've got something in particular in mind you'd like to see as one of the 2021 themes, here's your chance to propose it! Just leave a comment (logged in or anonymously) and suggest it. You can suggest titles, topics, or both.

Likewise, if you like someone else's suggestion, leave a comment in reply and voice your support for it! Popular acclaim won't guarantee a theme will be used, but we definitely weigh popularity when designing future schedules.

As you're brainstorming, be mindful of the themes we've done already for regular issues, f/f special issues, Artist Special issues, and Yes, And issues. We're open to repeats, too, if it's been a while, or if you can think of an interesting new twist.

You can also send us suggestions through other social media platforms, if that's easier for you. No matter how you say it, we're all ears!


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