2016 Year-End Numbers and Open Thread

Jan 07, 2017 08:46

Time for some year-end stats! They go a little something like this:

These are all from Google Analytics, and they look a little different because... well, because I can't quite 100% figure out what I did last year to get the stats to look the way they did. (Speaking of which, here are 2015's stats for comparison. So! Here's what we got!

These are pageviews for LiveJournal, with blue as 2016 and orange as 2015.

And these are pageviews for our website, with the same color coding.

Here are the top 50 most visited pages on LiveJournal. The weird blacking out of lines is spammers in the referrals; pay them no mind.

And here are the top 50 most visited pages on our website!

It seems to remains consistent that LJ is where people go to view the new issues while the website is where people go to read the archives.

And here's LJ's internal statistics for comments left, which include authors' responses.

This post is also an open thread: If you have questions, comments, feedback, suggestions, whatever, here's a place to leave them! They can be about anything from individual issues to larger project concerns, including suggestions about how to deal with the perennial problem of signal boosting (or lack thereof).


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