start spreading the news

May 16, 2016 20:48

Since Shousetsu Bang*Bang opened shop, a big question has been: How do we get people to know we're here?

As we've been all-volunteer, all-free from the start, we've never had an advertising budget, and we've relied on social medi and word of mouth to get the news out to interested parties. That, however, doesn't work as well as it used to, and because of that, readership and contributions are both on the decline. We'd like to change that!

Project Wonderful makes it possible to do a lot of advertising for not too terribly much money, which is super. What we need are some actual, beautiful ads to use! And since graphic design is not a thing I do, we've come to ask for help. We're looking for two kinds of volunteers:
  1. Artists: If you've done some art before for SSBB and you'd be willing to have it featured in one of these ads, please say so! Leave a comment below either with links to specific pieces, or a link to your handle if you're volunteering the whole set.
  2. Designers: Using your own art, someone else's, and/or lovely typesetting, make an ad we can use! To learn your parameters, check out Project Wonderful's ad templates.
(And if, while you're at it, you're feeling really industrious and you want to make a pretty background for our Twitter page, we won't say no!)

When you've got something for us, go on and send it to When we've got a fair number, we'll collect all the art donations and do a sort-of gallery show -- partly to show off fine work, and partly to give folk the option to grab graphics for static locations on their own pages (Tumblr sidebars, blog footers, etc.).

Want some logos and what-not you can (but don't have to) use? Check out right here!

General Thoughts/Suggestions:

- We definitely don't want them all to be NSFW, but a couple of those in the mix would absolutely be fine.
- Same goes for animated.
- You can mention the general queerness of the SSBB mission, or you can highlight m/m, f/f, or Yes, And content in particular; folk might like to specify.
- On the first one I did (named crappytestad.jpg), I went for the ad copy "free queer fiction, art, and happy endings". That is by no means an official motto or slogan or anything, but if you're searching for text to add, you could probably do worse than that. (You could definitely do better, though, so go for it!)

Thank you in advance!

advertising, admin

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