2016 Themes and Dates

Dec 27, 2015 08:27

We can't tell you what the coming year will bring, but we can tell you when some of it gets brought!

February 22: Some Assembly Required
text deadline: Tuesday, February 16
art deadline: Saturday, February 20
Think handmade, homemade, fan-made, crowd-sourced, scavenged, salvaged -- or just take it home and follow instructions!

March 28: Walk on the Wild Side (F/F Special)
text deadline: Tuesday, March 22
art deadline: Saturday, March 26
Danger and excitement lurk around every corner! Step out of the ordinary and get your heart pumping!

April 25: Anyway, Here's Wonderwall
text deadline: Tuesday, April 19
art deadline: Saturday, April 23
Anyway, here's Wonderwall.

June 20: Something Old, Something New
text deadline: Tuesday, June 14
art deadline: Saturday, June 18
It's a nice day for a white rainbow wedding.

July 25: Shaken, Not Stirred (Yes, And Special)
text deadline: Tuesday, July 19
art deadline: Saturday, July 23
Spies like us (and we like spies)! Secret agents, mysterious informants, international intrigue, and delicious cocktails are all on the menu.

August 22: Hail to the Chief
text deadline: Tuesday, August 16
art deadline: Saturday, August 20
Grab your election gear and head out on the campaign trail for politics as (un)usual!

September 26: Lost and Found (Artist Special)
text deadline: Tuesday, September 6
art deadline: Tuesday, September 20
If you love something, set it free. If it comes back -- or even if it doesn't -- tell the tale here.

October 31: Into the Woods
text deadline: Tuesday, October 25
art deadline: Saturday, October 29
Whether you prefer camping or camp, our traditionally spooky October special is the place to pitch your tent.

December 19: Theme-Free Big Bang
text deadline: Tuesday, December 13
art deadline: Saturday, December 17
And our last issue of the year gives a big blank slate: no theme, no word count upper bound, just you and whatever you want to make of it!

If you want reminders for all of these, add the SSBB calendar dates to your Google calendar!


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