Happy Birthday to Us!

Sep 09, 2015 12:19

Ten years ago today, the first issue of Shousetsu Bang*Bang hit the (virtual) newsstands!

Since that first ten-story issue appeared in bb_shousetsu, a lot has happened. We've run seventy-three issues (that's fifty-six m/m issues, ten f/f issues, four artist specials, and three everything-else issues), featuring 878 stories and 114 standalone issues and comics by 293 authors and 207 artists. Some of those issues are available for download now, and more are coming in the not-too-distant future (stay tuned!).

We've launched our own website with a complete archival mirror, all our back issues, search function, master index, contributor index, and lists of top-ranked submissions by vote. We've also got a whole SSBB wiki with tons of user-submitted information, summaries, reviews, and links.

When it comes to social media, we've made places you can find information and discussions at our bulletin board, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, DeviantArt, y!gallery, Archive of Our Own, Plurk, and Goodreads. We've also set it up so you can receive deadline reminders and issue announcements in your email inbox with our newsletter.

Whew! That's a lot.

We're thrilled we've made it this long, and we'd like to keep it going. So for our birthday present, instead of gifts, we'd like to ask for one thing: Tell a friend! We're always looking for new readers and new contributors, and since this is an all-free, all-volunteer publication, we count on our current readers and contributors to be our advertisements. If you want, you can link them to this post, which not only has all the links above, but information about our 2015 and 2016, a brief guide to contributing, and a set of tips from a veteran contributor. Otherwise, post and tag us on social media so we can see your kind words, appreciate them, and share them with everyone else!

Most of all, thank you. These ten years of dirty delights have only happened because petronia had a great idea, and all of you, contributors and readers, past and present, stepped up to make it come true. Here's to all of you, and here's to much more smut to come!

links, admin

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