Thank you, Petronia. I didn't expect this to arrive until nearly midnight. What a wonderful surprise! Now on to a heaping helping of boy love. ^__^ My thanks to everyone wrote and worked to bring this together.
*hides in a hole in shame* OMG. I had signed up to write for it, didn't I? ^^;;;;;;;;;;; I kept thinking the deadline was July....but now I realize it must have been June. *crawls even deeper into hole in the ground* ^^;;;;;;;;;
And it looks like such a lovely issue too. *_____* *stares and drools, feels idiotic for having gotten mixed-up and not being in lovely issue* Hopefully I'll make it on time for the next one, then. ^^;/
This entry was in the form of a webcomic hosted on the artist's server, but the links are now broken and the artist uncontactable. It's locked because otherwise ppl keep telling us that the images are unviewable, and there isn't anything we can do about it. ^^;
Comments 7
And whoa, this issue's HUGE XD Whee~ X3 ♥
OMG. I had signed up to write for it, didn't I? ^^;;;;;;;;;;; I kept thinking the deadline was July....but now I realize it must have been June. *crawls even deeper into hole in the ground* ^^;;;;;;;;;
And it looks like such a lovely issue too. *_____* *stares and drools, feels idiotic for having gotten mixed-up and not being in lovely issue*
Hopefully I'll make it on time for the next one, then. ^^;/
*goes to reads it* :DDD
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