A More Direct Approach

Jun 05, 2014 07:16

(Because I buried the lede on this the other day, but it really does deserve its own post!)

Our website now has a direct messaging system. It's like leaving comments for creators, except in private instead of in public, by clicking the link at the bottom of an entry that says 'send the [author/artist/illustrator] a comment directly'.

Here's how to make it work for you:

- If you're a contributor who wants to use it, you can either email us (shousetsubangbang@gmail.com) telling us the email address you want associated with your account, or you can create an account all on your own -- just be sure to make your username the same as your pseudonym -- and then email/message ssbb-admin to let us know which entries you'd like to have links added to. (Be aware that we have to make those changes all by hand, so your patience is appreciated.)

- If you're a reader who wants to use it, you'll need to create an account on the site -- either a totally new one, or one based on an OpenID login from another social media site. Then, when you find one of those links on the page of someone whose work you love, you can use it to send a message straight to their inbox!

...There's really no difference between creator and reader accounts, except that creators need to tell us they want the links added to their work. But creators can leave adoring notes for other creators too! And if you're an author/artist who wants to show others love but doesn't want it associated with your penname, go on and make a second account -- we won't judge.

Cool system perks include:
  • Directness! If a creator has signed up for this, you can be sure that whatever you say will be sent to the very person you want to see it!
  • Anonymity! No other user in the system can see your email address -- creators and readers alike.
  • Email notifications! Every time someone sends you a message or replies to one of yours, you'll be notified. (You can turn this off, but ... why?)
  • Privacy! If there are things you want to tell a contributor but wouldn't be comfortable sharing in public, you can say them here and only you two will know!
  • Abuse protection! If something hinky's going on, let us know immediately and we'll nuke it from orbit!
This is a totally opt-in thing, so not every entry will have this option. We're going to try and make it a little more standard from this coming issue forward, though a lot of the entries in our recent A.I. issue have the option available, if you'd like to go try it out. (Go try it out!)

As always, relvetica is the one to thank here for all the hard work that went into setting this up, so if you think this is awesome, let her know!

website, admin

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