Title: Something Else Out There
Author: suprockstar
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger.
Rating: T, for pure angst.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I know, its sad. :/
Summary:There had to be something they couldn't see in the world. Something that could change everything. Something else out there. Because, this couldn't be all there was. [Set during HBP].
His lips parted, and as he was about to answer, he spotted something in her eyes that he did not see before. It was something he had wanted for so long, something so impossible that it was considered shameful for him to yearn for. The words that would make all this pain, all this anxiety, all this agony, go away, even if just for a little bit.
So this fic is too long to post on LJ, so I've included the link to it on Fanfiction.net. Please read and review! All comments are appreciated. :D
Here's the link: