About First Person

Mar 30, 2011 15:50

Okay so I've signed up for two more  big bangs since I last posted here. That's a total of 148,000 words. Which proves I'm a bb_aholic  if nothing else does.

Now that I've got so much to write, I have a question for you. How do you all feel about Big Bangs written in the First Person? I'm usually more comfortable writing first person stories, but I've never done so for a Big Bang because I know that a lot of people don't like First Person. I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable making art or reading my stories, because I'm to stubborn to use the traditional narrative form.

Do you think I should continue using Third Person, or do you think it would be alright for me to write some of my stories in First Person Narrative? Please be honest, I swear I won't mind if you go off on a rant about First Person being harder to read and making it so that you can't fall into the story. I've heard it all before so I won't be bothered.
 Projects I'm signed up for
apocabigbang  (Watchmen fandom) (As Artist: Watchmen and Sarah Jane Adventures)
spacebigbang  (Legion of Superheroes) (Alpha Found)
crossbigbang  (Watchmen/Human Target) (Need Beta)
ds_c6d_bigbang  (Undecided) (As Artist) (Need Beta)
novel_bigbang  (Original) (As Artist) (Need Beta)
classictrekbb  (TOS) (Need Beta)
scifibigbang  (X-men Evolution/ Avengers) (As Artist) (Alpha Found)
originalbigbang (Signed up as artist for the Reverse Big Bang Round)(Art submitted)
i_reversebang  (As Artist)(Art submitted)
sgareversebang  (As Artist)(Art submitted)
atlantisbigbang (SGA + Trigun Fusion) (Need 2 betas)
au_bigbang (Clannad)(Beta found)

Projects I'm planning to sign up for:

author, help

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