Hey ladies and gents!
Just signed up for
pre_post_spnbb and I'm very exc ited :D
What I need - if any of you lovely people can help - is someone who really knows the storylines of the boys' lives very well. I want to write pre-show Sam/Dean but I suck at remembering the ins and outs of their lives e.g. even little things like the age difference between them. I could trawl superwiki but it would be nice to have a partner in crime to bounce ideas off too and especially if that person is doing their own BB and wants a hand. My specialty is reading over other people's stuff and picking out things they might not have thought of, inconsistencies and new things they might want to think about, ideas they could explore, that sort of thing.
Anyway if you think you're the one for the job please give me a shout
Thank you lovelies!
ETA - I just found
this very handy pre-series timeline on superwiki so maybe I will be okay, but still someone with a good knowledge of canon would be a real help!