I'm better than free sex with an Uggo

Jul 22, 2007 23:48

Baz: So we actually start publically drinking at 9:15pm
Baz: And then finally get a taxi to take us into town for 10:45pm
Baz: It was Carnival day in H'west, so hurrah we turned up late enough for all the horrible people to have gone home, so it was relatively polite and quiet and nice
Baz: Met a few schoolfolk stuff from youngeryears and whooped and stuff
Baz: Went to Matisse the worstest nightclub ever but oh god I can't quit it
Baz: Got some minor dancing gropage from some brunette woman hellyeah, she wandered off later when THE TABLES TURNED UNTO HER
Baz: And yeah, mellowed out with some girl and turned out she was called Rachel, and that apparently I needed her phone number
Baz: Also I could NOT remember how to spell Rachel
Flexo: :)
Baz: Wasn't sure if it was Rachael or Racheal
Flexo: Rachel is the American spelling, Rachael is UK
Baz: Ohhhh???
Baz: I thought I was just drunnnkkkk
Flexo: lol
Baz: I was VERY respecting of her as well
Flexo: so, going to phone her?
Baz: There was only hand touching [and also thighs I guess whoop whoop]
Baz: Oh my no.
Flexo: :(
Baz: And yeah, then rendez-voused with Schoolfolk
Baz: Both of which have boythings, one of which is JudoTom
Baz: Some blonde hair guy started getting his groove on towards them
Flexo: heh
Baz: I tried my best to channel Downey Jr's hardass moment from KKBB when he tells a guy to "Just walk away do it." ... "So once again for the cheap seats, walk away."
Flexo: heh
Flexo: you should phone the girl though.
Flexo: I wouldn't, but I'm a bit girly wuss.
Baz: Which came out as "Fuck off! Dude, once again, for the cheap seats, fuck off!"
Baz: Only it was hella loud and I'm sure he didn't hear a word of my quotage
Flexo: lol
Baz: But he did indeed fuck off which was slightly fortunate, because Andrew wasn't about so there was little point in starting a fight
Baz: Though if it was just him, I suurely could have taken him
Baz: So 20 minutes of intense staring followed
Baz: And then burgers and onion rings yay
Flexo: yay, onion rings, haven't had them for years
Baz: Andrew gave up free sex with some Uggo, who he insists has a great body
Baz: But I sure didn't agree with him, but I was pulling 28 year olds so whatever
Baz: I have Onion Rings all the time
Flexo: gave up free sex?
Baz: The day before we went to Canada, I got some, Andrew called me a fag
Baz: Then ate half of them
Baz: Now we eat Onion Rings a lot
Flexo: heh
Flexo: I like how it sounds like Onion Rings is a euphamism
Baz: :)
Flexo: "Andrew didn't like onion rings to begin with, but I helped him learn to love them, and now we eat them all the time"
Baz: [He was offered free sex but was all "Nah I gotta get a taxi with my best mate, because that would be better than sex with you]
Baz: (there were many high fives)
Baz: And then we watched the NIGGERS South Park episode, or bits of it, on Andrew's phone in the taxi, YAY
Flexo: lol
Flexo: way for you both to be asexual.
Baz: And Rachel things, she had her number down under "Me" on her phone, so naturally, I saved it as "Me" on my phone, and sent her a text saying "Me" to correspond
Flexo: or gay.
Baz: I'm asexual, he's gay
Flexo: haha
Baz: [for women]
Baz: At the end of the night [THREE AM], had a text being all "Ok whos me"
Flexo: haha
Flexo: oh meg, you and your drugs.
Baz: And I cut her up and she is in my dishwasher wait no
Flexo: So why do you like this nightclub even though it sucks
Baz: And I channeled Mario for some fukken reason "Itsa me! Boyo from the matissio!"
Baz: It sucks, but everyone who's anyone is there
Baz: And they also agree that it sucks so you're in generally good company
Flexo: heh
Flexo: I never had you as a nightclub person
Baz: And she was all "lmbo what's your real name?" and I was all "Baz" (I dried up on funny on that text, and she was all "Well baz, I had fun dancing with you" or some such thing, I CAN'T REMEMBER BECAUSE I'M SO LIVID THAT SHE DIDN'T CAPITALISE MY NAME
Flexo: :(
Baz: And then I made a very promsciuous, sexually advancing text message, which upon soberness really doesn't come out at all
Flexo: I hate people that disrespec' ma name.
Flexo: haha
Flexo: what was it
Baz: "Dancing isn't my greatest talent" - seriously needed at least a wink
Flexo: haha
Baz: And she was all "Maybe not but you amused me anyway! X"
Baz: She'll capitalise a kiss but not my frakking name
Baz: And that was that
Flexo: lol
Flexo: yay
Flexo: why would they?
Baz: It's purple
Baz: And nightclubs are crowded
Flexo: oh yeah
Baz: And nightclubs are kind of fun, because basically I just walk out there and be a cunt
Baz: To a whole load of people
Baz: It's like being on the internet only somehow sweatier and danker
Flexo: haha
Flexo: I guess it is!
Baz: I did much strutting
Flexo: "Nightclubs - like the bowels of the Internet"
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