I should really update...

Apr 18, 2005 23:12

Things that happened to me since I last posted:

For a scary moment, I thought I had forgotten to pay my road tax - I had just forgotten to put the disc I bought about a week before sodding off to the US in the windscreen. PHEW! It's all computer-automated now, so fines get issued the day you are overdue, plus they can crush your car. So that's a relief.

Bought a new 'puter.

Tis fantastic - top of the range in specs, very reasonable in price. I think I did rather well. I bought it from Aldi, so haven't yet abandoned all concerns that I may one day awaken to find a smouldering husk where it once stood.

Applied for more jobs - awaiting the results of my endeavours.

Seeing as my Computer has a TV tuner and can record television straight to the hard drive, I'm currently toying with the idea of taping something really dull, like "The Antiques Roadshow" and using it to make a comedy montage set to Sepultura or something.

As it happens I'm also watching Jack Dee. Quite funny. As I seem to be getting exposed to Blackadder of late, I think I'll watch the DVD after this.
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