Feb 20, 2005 10:27
Received a text message yesterday. It simply read "What's all this I hear about you playing with Ben's KOC?"
It was from Rosemary, a good friend of Ben's Louise and thoroughly amusing young lady indeed. As you will have no doubt worked out for yourselves, I have not started to dabble in badly-spelt, homosexual, incestuous liasons with my brother - KOC refers to the PS2 game "King of Colusseum II". Yep, Ben is now officially the most obsessed wrestling nut I have ever known. This game you see: it's of the grappling persuasion. It also doesn't have Hulk Hogan in it because it's a JAPANESE wrestling game. Yup, that's right, it contains a few hundred Japanese guys, most of which I've never even heard of. And the game is only available in JAPAN AND ASIA!
Yes, this is where his level of wrestling geekhood explodes out of the roof, ricochets off the moon and nestles snuggly in some extra-terrestrial foliage where a collection of green people with big eyes point and say "Now THAT is what I call wrestling geekiness!".
Ben has been pining for this game. He has scoured the net looking at screen-shots and video footage of it, has contemplated all manner of copyright violation to just play it. Then finally, he bit the bullet and bought it.
"But Barry", you probably aren't saying, "ordering a game from abroad surely can't be THAT much of a hardship - and with the strong Pound, it's probably a very reasonably priced purchase to boot". To that I conceded respectively: No it isn't and yes it was. However, you have to bear in mind that Japanese games don't work on UK Playstations. Chipping is now illegal and therefore a bit tricky to come by. So what did he do? He bought himself a KOREAN PLAYSTAION! Why Korean? Because they play the Japanese games but use a UK-style three-pin plug. Hmm, but Korean TV's aren't PAL. But you can buy a lead can't you? That converts the signal? You can and he did. Final price to just play a game that could so easily have been an overated pile of crap? £170.
On top of all this, his full uni address didn't fit into the assigned box on the online order-form. So he had it sent here and got me to try it out for him. And thoroughly addictive it is too. He still has yet to play the thing :P. Who could have thought that KOC could be so much fun?