I intended to write something substantial here, indicating the direction of my interior life. Instead, I postponed a week and dreamt about the post that I am now making. I walked west across the main street bridge and took two photographs near the fountain at the end. This mirrors a walk I took with someone in early May. We sat on these benches in the middle of the night and I held her because she was cold.
When we had enough, we walked up the steps and I watched a girl get up who was lying on the bridge. At first I thought it was some drunk who had passed out (the mind is good at filling in gaps), but as she walked away from us I knew from her manner that she wasn't just some stranger. She had been watching us.
I turned my friend around and we walked in the opposite direction, back down the stairs. I told her who it was that we had seen as we wandered around the Wabash Landing unsure of what we should do.