(no subject)

Jan 09, 2011 22:38

The snow has finally started to fall. We've got maybe an inch so far and it's supposed to snow all night and tomorrow. (there is so much snow, in fact, that it's floated all the way to our front door, which is under a pretty big overhang) *crosses fingers*

I've a few new sketches.

A tree rhino. cheeseiv is making a Pokemon clone game and is having a little contest for it. This is one of my entries. He has a tree for a horn and I want to say they're resistant to poison to go along with the unicorn theme I've sort of got with him now, and strong against fire in reference to "The Gods Must Be Crazy". But we'll see what Fen thinks.

A WIP of N!ru. This is the first time I've colored with this technique and it's been a learning experience. A long, tiring experience. I color with a mouse, by the way. N!ru is a green magpie/tamarin gryph over at Windsonde on dA.


I really need to get into drawing poses and figures, because all though busts are fun, they are BORING. Also, I need to work on different face shapes (see my previous art dump entry). :|

Chess happens to be a good metaphor for his mindset. I dunno if he'd ever be caught this relaxed, but his personality seems to suggest it.

I've an earlier sketch of Wickett doing an actiony punch thing while wearing gi-type pants or something (*mildly embarrassed*). For some reason, that seemed to fit him well, so I guess this is a continuation of that theme? Only, y'know, jump-kicking things. The pose, in my mind's eye, should resemble a tornado kick.

I dunno what's happening with the guy on the bottom, but Wickett's about to beat his face. :|

A study sketch of Jagd (again), this time for the pose in the bottom corner. His right arm will be folded across his chest/stomach. In the end, he'll be wearing a trenchcoat and shirt, which will obscure some of my nice muscle work. >.>

Alternate pose for the sketch above. For reference, this drawing is a grand two inches across on my paper.

sketch, pokemon

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