Rambling Man

Oct 27, 2010 22:10

I got dead things in the mail today!!!

On the left is a lamb pelt. It's so soft and it feel and looks like a terrycloth washcloth. I put it back in the bag before the picture; it didn't arrive in that condition.

On the right is a red fox skull, but you can't see it so well in the picture. It had some nice jaw muscle, but I didn't look to see if it still had the tongue. . . . Hahaha.

It went straight in my maceration bucket.

Shelby packed everything nice and tight. I'm very pleased.

I got some more insects pinned (a bumblebee and a small beetle, victims of the recent rains we've had). I need to peruse the local thrift and antique shops to see about finding a display case for them. That or I need to find some place that stocks Riker displays -- they're cheap, but I don't want to order online. I'll be making an FHB post, with pics, about my bugs soon, I think.

And I want to do NaNoWriMo this year, after a couple years on hiatus. I've an idea, just need a plot. But the email I got (had to re-register, my old account didn't seem to be functioning) suggested just winging it. So we'll see.

I've got an image in my head of the place I want to write about. Pastel, pastoral colors; a skyship; an explorer; and a sort of "art nouveau-ish" feel. I know that I will have to make sure to not get too carried away describing things. Character interaction and dialogue are weak points of mine, which also tends to make the plot turn slowly (see my robot story for a prime example of that. I swear there is a plot and a goal and a motive in there!)

Just for the record, I've been doing NaNo since '04, I think, and the farthest I've ever gotten is 20k words of awful-ness. I keep all my stories for posterity, but I've not opened that one since I wrote it, hahaha.

I'm very dissatisfied with work currently. Lots of junk with that, most of it my half-baked opinions, but I'm counting off the days until I go back to school.

Has anyone seen 'Seven Pounds' with Will Smith? What did you think? I saw it just now and I'm a little at a loss for words except to say that it's probably got the best use of music of any film I've seen. That certain score tells so much of the story by itself.

scavenge, insect collection, nanowrimo

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