I guess when you hit rock bottom, there's no way to go but up :)
Seriously, this morning, I was nearly crying. Or well, I was already letting a few tears fall but was trying to laugh it off. It was so fail xD But yeah~ After that, my day was sooooo much better. I mean, Music was funny like hell :)) Sir was so epic with his random comments, not to mention the oh-so-lovely duet he sang with our classmate~ Also, I really just couldn't look at him without laughing, so when he started making us sing, I was having a hard time trying to keep myself from chuckling as soon as he made us sing a higher note. I was stretching my smile so much in trying not to laugh, and I couldn't breath at all XD
Then, of course, there was recess and then swimming! "One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Liiiift. Chaaaange~" :))))
Lunch, after which was Chemistry, which was .. okay, I guess. :)) Hund's Rule was funny. As in, Sir's analogies are apt and very amusing =)) Example: "When you ride a two-seater bus, if there's one person already in one seat, you don't go sit next to them. You go sit in another seat. Unless there is attraction, but electrons do not attract each other! They must be single."
And then, one of my classmates said, "Sir! It's also like when you go to a restaurant, and there's one person who's alone at a table. You don't go take an empty chair on the same table as that person and say, 'hey, can we share?'"
After that... was... CL? I dunno, it was sort of.. meh. Then after that was FIlipino =)) Our class is such a bully.
I had fencing afterwards, in which my coach called me a geek numerous times. I still can't get over the fact that he called me a geek. o.O;