Sort of like a restart..

Aug 16, 2010 20:17

 I felt horribly off today. As in, I really just felt so out of touch. I was so quiet at times when I'd normally go find someone to talk to; mostly because I found most of my friends to be annoying that day. It was so.. not really odd, since I've had these days before. Just, I wish that one of them would've stopped bothering me and stopped hugging me throughout the whole day. Seriously, I felt like punching her face. And she didn't even get the numerous reactions I had that just screamed 'leave me the hell alone'. I had to even tell her to stop hugging me so much. Really, we weren't even that close, what the hell was her problem?

No one was a saving grace that day, all of them were so glaringly superficial. Or maybe that was just me seeing the world in a cynical view. Not like I can help it though, people were just plain fake. Not that I could do much about it either, I was forced to play along if I didn't want to be part of the outcasts.

Okay, maybe one person wasn't so bad, one person who was and still is one of my closest friends that I met in 5th grade. She was blunt, sometimes amusingly, most of the time not. But her bluntness was so refreshing, it was really helpful. Though we only managed to talk around the last few hours of school because we were in different sections. I miss her and my other friends from that time :( We haven't been placed in the same section ever since we got to high school! We've only been high schoolers for two years but still, not like I was with them in our last few years of elementary either.

if it wasn't obvious yet, I had a pretty crappy day. Though hopefully that'll change for tomorrow and the rest of the week. We're making our decoupage tomorrow, as well as tie-dye shirts! Wasn't able to buy any of the materials I need for tie-dying though > <; I checked the market near my village and they didn't have any. :(

Oh well, at least there's the field trip this Thursday to look forward to. Oh, damn! I almost forgot :)) It's my friend's birthday tomorrow too. Happy birthday, Louise~!

crap, birthday, school

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