Ugh, I feel so drained. And it's only the first day of exams! I don't think I'll survive this week. But I guess besides being brain dead, today was fine~ Chemistry was hell-ish. I hated the drawing parts for both CL and English. Reviewing for Journalism was really easy though, thanks to my friends' wonderful mnemonic devices. :)) Problems of Media, Elements of News and Parts of a Newspaper are now summarized in three sentences~ They may not make much sense, but they're very helpful.
Problems of Media: Happy Sardines Create Cookies (H - Highlighting the Negative; S - Sensationalism; C - Commercialism; C - Corruption)
Elements of News: Chinese Chickens Died Picking Peter Piper's Shiny Orangutan (C - Currency; C - Conflict; D - Drama; P - Prominence; P - Proximity/Nearness; P - Progress/Development; S - Significance; O - Oddity/Unusualness)
Parts of a Newspaper: Len Told Everyone How Bad Cranberry Juice Tastes: Mild and Flat (L - Logo; T - Teaser; E - Ears; H - Headlines; B - Banner Headlines; C - Cuts; B - Byline; J - Jump to; T - Tagline; M - Masthead; F - Folio)
I am posting this here so that when I need to remember it, I know where to find it~
Also, I can't help but mention some quotes...
Friend 1: ".. Who? Our Anna?"
Friend 2: "She's ours?!"
Friend 1: "We made a sentence for the News Elements! Chinese Chickens Died Picking Peter Piper's Shiny Orangutan!"
Friend 2: "Why does Orangutan stand for unusualness if it starts wi---"
Me and Friend 1: "UNUSUALNESS IS ODDITY 8-l"
Friend 1: "And because I thought orangutan was spelled with a 'u' at first"
Moving on, I'm now officially panicking because I still haven't started studying for the exams tomorrow. asdfghjkl; I shall start now.