Jun 05, 2011 21:00
Oh hai there new icon 8)
Yeah, uh, just totally wanted to use that icon before school eats up my life (again).
Meep. School tomorrow. Goodbye stress-free summer life filled with days of learning new languages, watching shows of pretty boys, reading awesome fanfics, and enjoying almost-everyday afternoon naps ;____; I hope I still find the time to write, I've barely started with Part-Timer after all. And I pray someday that I can finish Clueless, though it's hard to get inspiration for that nowadays.
I'm actually scared as hell right now of going back to school (yes, I really do have a fear of it). I'm not really sure why. I mean, I can understand feeling lazy or the feeling of not wanting to go back, but being scared? I'm not even sure of what. It's like... the entire idea of being back in an environment where my work and performance is judged and graded accordingly terrifies me... I think I'll just stop there, else I might go on a full on rant which would just bore or bother people OTL
School, school, go away!
Don't come back another day~!