New Single

May 03, 2006 20:44

We got the go-ahead from Steve (Laskarides, from the Azoic), who is doing the mastering, as far as timing on the new single release. The new CD is titled "Haunted". The release of the full CD is going to be around October. But in the meantime, we decided to release a single next month as a teaser. The single is the title track, "Haunted". The official press release should be forthcoming soon but I wanted to pass along this info to my friends here as there have been a ton of people asking when they will hear new Dekoy. We have decided to release the first single in much of the same fashion as we did with "Redux" (Your Heart). The first single release will be a free download, available on Myspace and Yes, I said free. We hope everyone will download the song and tell all their friends to check it out.

In the near future we should be able to give you more info on the full CD release. We are at the point where we are starting to put finishing touches on all the other songs. I hope everyone likes the new songs as much as we do. It's been a long road and we both appreciate all the support we have gotten from everyone from the fans to the DJ's/Promoters. We can't thank you enough.

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