
Oct 26, 2008 11:47

Paper Mario is determined to destroy my Wavebird, my wrist, or a combination of the two. I mean seriously, what the fuck is with the button mashing you have to do to fend off some of the enemy attacks? How the A button hasn't fallen off after the beating its taken these last few days I'll never know.

Preparations for tomorrow are almost all sorted. Still need to put the finishing touches to the presents and there's the little matter of packing myself an overnight bag but neither of those tasks should take very long. Oh, and there's the question of whether I pack vodka to bring up with me or just buy some up there on the cheap.

If you haven't seen it already, Burn After Reading is definitely worth a watch. It's fun, it's subtle and it's not too long. It's also got George Clooney sporting far too much facial hair for my liking, but you can't have everything.
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