Apr 10, 2002 22:06
Things that bother me lately:
Sharing my "signifigant other" with other people (Okay, shut up. I know it's stupid.)
The fact that, yes, if you don't play guitar for awhile, you do get rusty.. very rusty.
Figuring out that when I'm in a relationship, I'm not nearly as "cool" as I am when I'm single. Hmm.
I don't really want to be somewhere in particular, anymore.
I get a small thrill when I sit in class for 15 minutes after my parking meter expires, and come out to my car to find it without a ticket on the windshield. I even softly let out a diabolical laugh before getting into my car. I'm society's ideal criminal.
Do I seriously want to be a graphic designer? Not that I'm one for competition or anything, but, if I'm not going to be even noticed in the midst of the hundreds of millions of talented people already out there, why the hell even try? Sure. I've got 'something to say' with my art, but, I hardly even care anymore if anyone's listening. I wish this was my senior year. I'm tired of school. It could just be this school... which, I must say, was quite a disappointment. The only reason I feel coming here was a good thing is because of all of the ways I've grown as a person OUTSIDE of school. The people I've met and the love I've known has made it all worthwhile, but like.. geez. I thought this school was going to be the best thing ever.
I think that of so many things. Maybe I should begin approaching things with a neutral opinion of them. That way, I'm not let down too much, and I'll be pleasantly suprised most of the time.
Don't change your plans for me... I won't move to LA... the leaves are falling back East.. that's where I'm gonna stay.
I can listen to this song when you're not here, you bitch.