A reflection on thanks

Dec 01, 2008 16:51

Had a lovely weekend feasting with the family. Wednesday night we drove to my brother in law's house to stay with Michael, his wife Kate, and my 2 nieces and 1 nephew. Also there, were my father and mother in law.

Kate recently got breast implants, or as I like to call it "got her girls jacked up." I'm glad she did not go for LUDICROUS boobs and seems to have gone for the C cup which looked proportional.*

*I was a little miffed that she didn't get D cups as I wanted to go around screaming Double Dragons! every time she entered the room .

There were so many people at the house including Justin my other brother in law, his wife Amy, 2 of her brothers, 2 of her sisters, her folks, a cousin, a friend, et. al.

The food was fantabulous. I did not end up gorging as much as I did last year for which I am thankful. Once the kids went to bed, we watched Hancock, which was pretty good. The following night we watched Tropic Thunder which was fucking hilarious. Did I mention this was on a 1080 big ass wall projection with surround sound and stadium seating? yeah. pretty rad. Tropic Thunder is one of my all time favorite movies. Robert Downey junior is hysterical as Kirk Lazarus an Australian method actor, who undergoes an operation to look like a black man. This so he can play the part of Sergeant Lincoln Osiris in the movie. RDJ was reluctant to do it at first, as he did not wish to offend blacks, but he really wanted to work with Ben Stiller, so went for it. Let's be honest, he IS in blackface so I can understand his concern, but the way that they resolved it in the movie worked. Additionally, while the roles was stereotypical, he was sweet about it - just watch the damn movie.

We spent Wendesday and Thursday night. Friday morning we had this amazing quiche that Colleen's mom made, then we celebrated Colleen and Kate's birthdays. Colleen hit the bog 40 on Friday, Kate turned 36. My inlaws took our kids to their house and Coll and I went to see Bryan Adams in downtown Seattle at the Townhall.

Things to note about the venue:
1) there is no re entry
2) no alcohol is served there
3) there is no solid food options there
4) general seating only
5) see 1-4
6) is an old converted church

Colleen did sneak out to the car and grabbed a sparkling wine that she had been given as a birthday present and downed it. She did not share.

Other things of interest about Bryan Adams.
1) he is short
2) plays a mean guitar
3) has 2 songs about strippers - one off his new album, the second was "Heaven" which is a story about a male stripper
4) does an amazing Tina Turner impersonation
5) thinks the song "Please forgive me" would make a great country cover
6) Summer of 69 is not about a particular epoch of his life. Its about 69'ing. 'nuff said
7) "Run to you" is about a threesome. In the sense of he is with someone but is cheating on them .

Speaking of birthday fun. Colleen's itouch should arrive tomorrow. I am very excited about giving it to her.

Also, I just recalled. The kids, Colleen, and I spent 4 hours yesterday looking for a Christmas tree. 2.5 hours at the Red Barn, where we rode a train got some free milk and cookies, and hiked for miles, but found no tree. Half an hour at 3 Wise Men. Again, no dice. Finally, spent an hour or so at a third place, not far from there. I cut down about a 9' noble. My arms did not cramp up as badly as they did last year, which tells me I am in better shape, but I ran out of steam as I was so exhausted. I got 5/6 of the way across the trunk of the tree with the saw, but could not get the last part cut. I used my Bayushi tech of cutting the tree then fucking yelling TIMBER and pushing that son of a bitch over. Yeah, um. No es bueno. I ended up splitting the trunk. One of the old dudes there took a chain saw to the stump to square it off . We did get it home only to realize that the base is so thick that our Christmas stand cannot take all that tree meat in its hole... *sigh* We either need to buy a bigger stand or whittle the sides of the base down. URGH!

Poor sap (ha ha) is cooling its heals drinking up some water in our garage while we figure it out ...

Okay, enough fun. Back to the job search.

tree, comedy, holiday, movies, birthday, concert

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