dear yuletide author...

Oct 24, 2012 18:09

Dear yuletide author,

First off, thank you so much for writing for me! I’m so excited to read any of these fandoms, so anything you are willing to write in them in already tops in my book.

My optional details are probably kind of random/rambling, so here are my general likes/dislikes & some more specific things for The X-Files RPF, Happy Endings, and The Office RPF.

Likes: Fanfic clichés (seriously, I love fanfic clichés. LOVE. No scenario is too clichéd for me. Secretly dating? Love it. Secretly married? Love it even more. Forced to share a bed? Possibly my favorite scenario of all time). Banter. People being BFF and also maybe making out a little on the side. Relationships where people are equals (but in unique ways!). Character interactions. Angst with a hopeful ending. Happy endings.

Also, for all of the fandoms/ships I chose, I love friend-fic just as much as anything sexy/romantic, so don’t feel like you have to do shippy type things if that’s not your scene.

Dislikes: Non-con/Dub-con. Misogyny. Character/actor bashing (I love everyone in all of these fandoms!). Stories without character interaction or dialogue (people just sitting around thinking/contemplating is kind of dullsville as far as I'm concerned).

Also, I’m DEFINITELY not opposed to porn/sexiness, but I’m not into anything that would be considered super-kinky, so tending towards the vanilla would be a safe bet.

On to the specifics (my sign-up details are in italics, the other stuff is just for this):

1. The X-Files RPF (Gillian Anderson/David Duchovny)
Ugh, these two are my favorites, and I'd adore anything dealing with their relationship. I love the kind of weirdly intimate but also distant relationship that they seemed to have during the show, so anything dealing with that would be awesome. Like when they gave interviews claiming that they never interacted, but then knew kind of randomly intimate details about each other. And then showed up at awards shows holding hand and, like, kissing and then immediately gave interviews about how they could barely tolerate each other. And kept stressing how they never ever EVER spent time together and were most assuredly not friends. But would then joke around by making out on the FtF set.

But I am also embarrassingly in love with the insane recent rumors about how they're secretly dating/living together/married. Especially after all of the XF2 press, which was just full of flirting and barely contained delight at being together again.

In short: they're the best and anything about them at any time in their relationship (professional or otherwise) would be tops.

Okay, so these two just KILL ME and the recent rumors about the two of them have unlocked a lot of feelings that I thought I had abandoned about a decade ago. I think my sign-up prompt probably covers all of my feelings, but just to kind of recap: anything with the two of them hooking up at any point in their relationship would be great.

I particularly enjoy DD’s discomfort with rumors of a relationship (because he’s CLEARY overcompensating for something, right? like maybe an unconsummated crush on GA? or a consummated love that went bad somehow? right? RIGHT) and GA’s apparent amusement/delight at those same rumors (because she knows he loves her, but he's trying to convince everyone he’s too cool for that? because she thinks their hookups before/during/after the show are kind of wonderful? BOTH?). My absolute favorites here would be: secretly married (FAVORITE CELEBRITY RUMOR OF ALL TIME) or forced to share a bed (Maybe there was a shortage of hotel rooms when they were filming XF2? Maybe they were on location sometime during the series and they had to bunk together in a trailer? Idk, idk.) It doesn’t even matter: TROPES.

There’s pretty much no way to disappoint with these two, so anything would be lovely.

2. Happy Endings (Brad, Jane, Alex, Penny)
I legitimately love every single character on this show. My favorites are Jane/Brad and Alex and Penny, so Jane/Brad anything would be great, as would Jane-Alex-Penny friendship fic. But then I also sometimes secretly ship Penny/Dave and Penny/Alex. And I just realized I left out Max, but I adore him as well, so. Basically anything with any of the core six would be wonderful.

Augh, this prompt is so vague--I'm sorry. But it's just because there's probably nothing I wouldn't like from this fandom--every character and relationship is just a delight.

So I know I only chose Brad, Jane, Penny, and Alex on my sign-up but I’d be really happy with any of the core six (the only reason I didn’t pick “any” here is that those tertiary characters don’t really interest me). Dave is probably my least favorite character (favorite: Brad), but I still love him when he’s interacting with any of the other characters.

For this fandom, I really don’t have any particularly strong shippy feelings (beyond loving Brad/Jane an obscene amount, but even that ship I could sacrifice for witty banter/hilarity), so gen fic would be super-great. But! I also ship basically everyone with everyone on this show, so. That would be awesome, too.

Grrrr…I feel like I’m still being really vague with this, but it really is because I legit would love anything here.

3. The Office RPF (Mindy Kaling/BJ Novak)
So BJ/Mindy hit on all of my favorite things, including my two most favorite of all: best friends who make out and secretly dating. Their relationship is just a cornucopia of wonderfulness; I mean, stuff like this (particularly 11 &12) and Mindy calling him her "best friend and occasional mortal enemy" and then tweeting pictures of them late at night at In & Out --they are all around delightful.

Going with any of the embarrassingly overused fanfic tropes (secretly dating/married, super-intense one-sided love, or even better: both of them just thinking it's one-sided, but it's actually MUTUAL pining, etc. etc.) would be spectacular.

Oh man, these two can do no wrong in my eyes; their real, actual relationship is basically fanfic to me. I know The Office is super-passé these days, but ugh: Mindy/BJ is the best RPF of all time. This is in the optional details, but I’d really, REALLY dig any fanfic clichés with these two. (ugh, maybe because their actual relationship just appears to be a series of tropes played out in real life? idek.)

The timeline here is obviously unimportant. These two mention each other CONSTANTLY still--even though they don't actually work together any more, so. Obviously they are secretly in love.

Okay, so I think that's it. Thank you again for writing for me! I can't wait until Christmas and finding a time to dodge my family to read whatever wonderful thing you've written :)


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