Fic: Our secret flares (BtVS; Buffy/Spike)

Sep 16, 2011 12:35

Title: Our secret flares
Fandom/Pairing: Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Buffy/Spike
Rating: NC-17, just to be safe
Words: 9,543
Summary: Buffy and Spike go on a stakeout. Sexy hijinks ensue.
A/N: This is post-s8, but specific knowledge of the comics definitely isn’t necessary for this fic. If the comics aren't your scene, you can just think of this as ( Read more... )

pairing:buffy/spike, fanfiction, fic:btvs

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Comments 76

gryfndor_godess September 16 2011, 18:57:57 UTC
Ack, I love this so much! They are so quintessentially themselves in these circumstances. I'm going to rattle off a few lines that I particularly liked:

He’s still got that confused look on his face and it kills her, how he still doesn’t ever seem to know what to do when she’s kind to him.

afkjadlf This is how I picture him being in pretty much any reunion scenario- it fits his insecurity complex, and the H/C aspect makes me swoon.

His hip is bumping hers and she leans into him without quite meaning to, smiling a little as she does.

I love how they automatically move physically closer together, no matter the context.

“And, yes, Dr. Seuss,” he adds, pointing at Spike. “You are indeed her boy. Don’t even try to deny it.”

Hee, Dr. Seuss! I like that Xander is mellow enough to tease Spike.

She is such a little lush.

Lol, not how I usually picture Dawnie, but it is entertaining, especially combined with Buffy's snark.

it would mean she has an even shorter attention span than Spike, which is completely unacceptable.Lol, yes ( ... )


bayloriffic September 16 2011, 22:17:11 UTC
Oh man, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am so glad you enjoyed this!

she's still aware of all that's unsaid, though, and the danger of falling into old habits- and even without that danger, the danger that he could think they are.
It's really great to hear that this element of it worked. I'm just really intrigued by how Buffy/Spike will work if (when!) they get back together in the comics, especially in terms of how Buffy deals with all of their history and the fairly traumatic way things ended in "Chosen."

And isn't Egyptian Rat Screw just the BEST GAME EVER? I feel like Buffy and Spike would enjoy it because of all the hitting ;)

In closing: thank you again for this comment; it has totally made my day <33333


useyourlove September 16 2011, 19:24:38 UTC
You totally made my day with this. Just, guh. I loved how Xander and Dawn were all knowing and the whole interlude in front of Buffy's creepy stalker. And they are so much perfect confused fragile sweetness at the end that it made me all warm and fuzzy. Also, I've put in Bridget Jones's Diary while I do my homework and write fan fic. Lol, the power of suggestion.


bayloriffic September 16 2011, 22:22:58 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm super-stoked you liked this <3

I'm glad to hear that the Xander and Dawn part worked for you (I kept debating about cutting out all of that dinner party stuff). And, haha, any excuse to watch Bridget Jones's Diary is a good one, I think ;)


rebcake September 16 2011, 19:50:42 UTC
¡Yay! Happy, not-quite-comfortable Spuffy sex! They'll work it out. Probably. ;-)

“You are indeed her boy. Don’t even try to deny it.”

I'm amused by all the Spike-as-boy talk. It's sort of silly when they don't put "bad" or "naughty" in front of it. He's all man-pire! Heh.

Gorgeous story. It's all sort of flowy and meandering through the day(s), in the same way that Buffy seems to be living her life. There isn't any big huge purpose...just getting on with things and trying to connect with the people she loves. Very nice and atmospheric.


bayloriffic September 16 2011, 22:26:27 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad the kind of meandering tone of this worked for you :) I'm really intrigued by the everyday-ness of where Buffy's like seems like it's going in s9, especially in terms of what it means for her and Spike and their currently-awkard relationship.


brutti_ma_buoni September 16 2011, 22:14:00 UTC
I loved this. It's so simple in a way, but there's a real feeling of depth, of detailed observation which puts your readers right there in the action, and of unspoken emotions which they don't allow to disturb the apparently calm surface of their present.


bayloriffic September 16 2011, 22:28:18 UTC
Oh man, thank you very much! I'm so stoked that you liked this -- that's really awesome to hear :)


ellievanna September 16 2011, 22:40:18 UTC
I was really happy when I saw that you'd written something, because I've loved your recent fanfics, and I was not disappointed! I love how it's not some super-special even that gets them together, just an ordinary stake-out and them being together. I read with a smile on my face all the way through, and you definitely kept me intrigued right and wanting to go on through it all. It had the banter they have, along with some hurt/comfort, humor and a perfect ending, and was just everything I love about Spuffy. Plus, the scene in the alley was really hot. I'll definitely re-visit this one later on!


bayloriffic September 16 2011, 23:08:12 UTC
Oh wow, thanks so much! I'm so stoked that you enjoyed this (as well as my other fics!) -- especially since this wasn't a super-exciting premise :) I pretty much just wanted to throw Buffy and Spike into a my favorite fanfic trope (make-out on a stakeout!) so it's awesome to hear that it worked for you <3


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