yellow haired female likes waffles and news

Jul 24, 2011 19:24

Heyyyy, internet. Long time no see.

First of all, thank you so much to those of you who commented on my last post <3 <3 <3. You guys are seriously the best. I’m sorry I didn’t respond to everyone (anyone) and then kind of dropped off the face of the lj-planet, but it has been QUITE a stressful summer. Luckily, things are calming down and L is doing much, much better. He’s basically got one more chemo treatment and then year of “surveillance” before the doctors pronounce everything all ship-shape, but most of the really terrible stuff is over. (Except August is going to suuuuuuuck much like July did, only that the doctor said it’ll actually be worse. BLERG.)

Also, super-special thanks to lormats for the v-gift. Lau, I am pretty sure you are the nicest, sweetest person on the planet ♥ ♥

Second, I have apparently decided to get really, REALLY into Buffy the Vampire Slayer again? IDEK you guys. I was hardcore obsessed with this show for a while and then totally lost interest and now it’s OMG ALL I CARE ABOUT. I’m even writing fic! For the first time in months. For a show that’s been off the air for almost ten years. Haha. Oh, fandom brain. You are so strange.

Third, I’m going to do those Top fives many of you wonderful people left, but doing them batches rather than all at once because that would be boring for everyone.

For ozmissage:

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, s4 (“Restless”): This is just a really great hour of television. It's kind of bizarre for a BtVS finale, but it works amazingly well anyway (which, tbh, is partly due to the fact that the Big Bad of s4 was LAME, so it was nice to have gotten the whole "defeat Adam" thing out of the way before the actual finale).

I love every single moment of this episode and it's, quite honestly, one of the few episodes where I found Riley tolerable (his whole Cowboy thing in Willow's dream is comedy GOLD). Plus, it's even more awesome during a post-series rewatch because there are so many amazing nods about what's to come in s5-7.

2. The X-Files, s4 (“Gesthemane”): This episode, you guys. Season Four is pretty much my platonic ideal of television seasons and this ending was SO PERFECT. God, cancer-arc Mulder/Scully break my heart.

3. Gilmore Girls, s4 (“Raincoats and Recipes”): With the exception of the super-skeevy Rory/Dean sex, this is basically a perfect hour of television. I love it all, but probably my favorite part is when Lorelai and Rory are in the diner and talk about how Lorelai and Luke are maybe dating and then Lorelai goes inside and knocks over a table. My other favorite part is when Luke and Lorelai kiss. AUGH IT IS PERFECT.

4. Lost, s6 (“The End”): Sure there are some issues with how the show ended, and the sideways was kind of a series of missed opportunities, but this episode was filled with joy and excitement. Plus, it’s really nice, to think that people get to kind of live forever, moving on with the people they love.

5. The Office, s2 (“Casino Night”): JIM AND PAM AND MAKE OUTS IN THE OFFICE WHILE THEY ARE BOTH DRESSED UP SO FANCY. I’m not a particularly excitable or demonstrative person, but I’m pretty sure I clapped and danced around my living room while watching this.

and :

1. Good Girl/Bad Boy. Ugh, I know this is the worst cliché ever but I’m pretty sure I don’t care. Every single ship I have ever shipped fits this trope. There’s just something about a guy who is a complete ass to everyone except the girl he loves that gets me. See: Buffy/Spike, Sawyer/Juliet, Mulder/Scully, etc. etc.

2. Forced to share a bed. I blame all of the XF fic I read in high school, but this is basically my favorite thing ever.

3. Pretending to be married (or engaged or dating or whatever). FAVORITE. Mostly because it usually happens between two people who fit trope #4 (and sometimes creates the need for trope #2 as well) and that is good times, my friends.

4. People with a complicated history who realize they are in love. I HATE “love at first sight” relationships, but I ADORE any relationship that starts out messy and then evolves into grudging friendship and then in to romance. M-maybe because that’s how most of my actual, real-life relationships have been? Haha, DON’T JUDGE ME INTERNET.

5. Cop partners in love. This probably should have been #1 on this list because IT IS MY FAVORITE TROPE OF ALL. Seriously, any and every show I watch that has cop partners I immediately start imagining all this angsty tension between them and how they are secretly really in love, but can’t be together either because of the job or because one or both of them are married or because they both have fucked up sensibilities about love and relationships and even though they’re closer to each other than they are to any one else in their lives, there’s this danger that sex could ruin it and then they’d become even more angsty and fucked up and tragic. So.

For scandaloussteph: (First, a confession: I tend to not be super interested in male characters. IDK why, but I rarely care about the dudes on the shows I watch. That said, here are five that I love despite the fact that they are not awesome ladies):

1. Spike (BtVS): You guys, I love Spike SO MUCH. He is, hands down, my all-time favorite male character. Even though James Marsters is kind of creepy and weird, Spike is just completely dreamy and equal parts dangerous and sweet and I love him best when he wears eyeliner and chipped black nail polish and protects Dawn and acts all caring to Buffy because he loves her, even without a soul.

Spike is interesting because he seems like he should be a completely cool bad-ass type, but he’s really an insecure dork who never quite fits in. I’ve always had a thing for outsiders and for seemingly cool people who are actually giant losers, and Spike is pretty much the ideal of that. Plus, he always had the best lines on a show that was chock full of them.

2. Sawyer (Lost): Oh man, I HATED Sawyer when I first started watching Lost. He seemed like such a cliché-the bad boy with the heart of gold-that the show didn't seem to be trying to do anything very exciting with. Plus, his greasy hair kind of grossed me out. But he turned out to be so great, mostly because of Josh Holloway. I’d probably still hate him if he was played by anyone else.

3. Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls): I just love him so much with his health food kicks and his backwards baseball caps.

4. Fox Mulder (The X-Files): Scully is my #1 crush of all time, but Mulder is also pretty great. Or, at least he is when he’s not being a self-centered asshole who ditches Scully and/or dismisses her theories.

5. Detectives Frank Pembleton & Tim Bayliss (Homicide: LotS): I couldn’t decide between them! I love them both so much! More people should watch this show and there should be more fic. Plus, they’re basically also the only (dude)slash pairing that I have any interest in at all, so.


1. Luke/Lorelai: "Raincoats and Recipes". I have no words for how perfect I found this. Sometimes I wish that this episode had been the series finale, just because the Luke/Lorelai kiss was so perfect.

2. Sawyer/Juliet: "The End". It was between this and “LaFleur” and this wins because it’s longer and more close-up and made me more excited than any other three minutes of television ever has.

3. Mulder/Scully: Fight the Future. Okay, maybe not an actual kiss (DAMN YOU, BEE!) but it was as close as I ever thought they’d get and the whole hallway scene still makes me all giddy.

4. Buffy/Spike: "Intervention". It was between this and the "Tabula Rasa" kiss, but I think already talked about that one on another one of these memes? Anyway, the Intervention kiss was WONDERFUL AND AMAZING; not only because Spike is all covered in sexy wounds (haha, I love the Buffybot SO MUCH, you guys), but because it’s really the first moment where Buffy lets Spike see that she-despite all of her protestations and insults and anger-does trust him and care about him. (Plus, this is one of the few B/S kisses where it didn’t look like JM was trying to chew off SMG’s face. I can hardly watch the OMWF kiss because of his crazy jaw-action. Why is he such an overly-intense kisser? He’s like the opposite of Matthew Fox, but it’s equally distracting. GEEZ DUDE, RELAX.)

5. Leslie Ben: "Road Trip". UH-OH.

For hondagirll:

1. LaFleur: This doesn’t need any explanation, I don’t think.

2. Outlaws: Oh, early Sawyer/Kate. I really enjoyed their relationship when it was like this and when Kate was able to kind of relax around Sawyer. Plus, Sawyer’s back story is so perfect and heartbreaking. And I also love Locke’s golden retriever story.

3. Left Behind: Oh man, the on-island parts of this episode are so great. There should have been so much more Kate/Juliet stuff.

4. Not in Portland: I LOVE JULIET.

5. Walkabout: Up until s3, John Locke was my favorite character. Plus, this is just an all-around good episode and it really captures the kind of mystical/exciting feeling that this show had back in s1.

In closing, happy birthday to airbefore and ozmissage! I hope you ladies both have/had wonderful days <3

real life, meme, the x-files, btvs, lost, gilmore girls

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