Title: The Dharma Years: 1975 (part 3 of 3)
Pairing: Sawyer/Juliet
Rating: R
Words: 7160
Summary: The sub docks in Tahiti on the first Saturday in October, and Sawyer almost can’t wrap his head around it, the idea that him and Juliet have got a whole month to live like normal people out in the real world.
A/N: Heyyyy, so this took about a million
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:) (I still can't form coherent thoughts I really looove this last part, as the whole fic, but this part I CAN'T EVEN!)♥
And, oh man, you know that James had all kinds of doubts about how Juliet could love him. But that she eventually convinced him he was worth being loved and that he was a good person. (Haha...I'm such a sap when it comes to these two!)
LOL I'm so corny talking about those 2... (Today I was listening to a song from KT Tunstall and I think it fits so wonderful Juliet's POV here at youtube :D)
AUGH, I KNOW RIGHT? One of my favorite things about them is how they were both so damaged and such outsiders and then they found this kind of missing piece with each other (and, oh man, that is the cheesiest sentence I've ever written, but whatevs. THEY ARE PERFECT AND WONDERFUL TOGETHER).
(And I just listened to that song--it's for sure a great Juliet song ♥)
I love this 2 this much ♥
It completely and utterly suck that we saw so little of how they grow fond of each other, cuz imagine their first "date" or whatever... or simply the dinner conversations when they were already living together... UGHHHH I'M WITH YOU, WHY LOST IS OVER, AND WHY THEY SHOOT SO LITTLE SCENES OF THIS 2 (don't make me start on the Damon speech about Juliet not having further develop in the story... I mean c'mon if one character deserved to be in the plane in the end was her and I'm msmsmsms frustrated RN)
cuz imagine their first "date" or whatever... or simply the dinner conversations when they were already living together
Haha...I have clearly spent waaaaaay too much time doing exactly this over the past year, since I've written thousands and thousands of words of fic about it. I can't help it though! I love them and Darlton didn't give me what I wanted (ie. lots of S/J makeouts and scenes of them hanging out together and, like, reading in bed). :)
Haha, I know, but what I meant was: imagine seeing actual scenes ... ok I think we all of us, suliet lovers, need to start saving and in 5 years maybe we can make an spin off :D (lol dreeeeaming)
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