Don't make it last very long. Ladies don't like that.

Sep 17, 2010 12:56

So, I’m trying to get back into the swing of writing again and am having some issues getting into it because every sentence I write looks cheesy/stupid/blah/insert-your-own-word-for-my-neuroses-here. My normal solution to this angst is 1) re-reading fic from other people that is awesome and therefore inspiring or 2) watching lots of LOST to get the characters fresh in my brain.

But, right now, #1 is just making me feel like an inferior loser who can’t write and #2 is making me sad. Hey, did you guys know that Juliet dies? Mostly because she thinks that Sawyer doesn’t really love her? And then Darlton tricks us into thinking they still get a happy ending? But then that’s not really so happy because they’re both actually DEAD? THAT IS SAD, NOT HAPPY. Also, what happened to poor little David Shephard? He gets home from the concert and no one’s there? Because his parents ditched him to go hang out in heaven with Sawyer and Kate? How am I supposed to write about S/J having fun in Dharma when it will end with everybody dead and Juliet abandoning her son? WHY ARE YOU SO CRUEL, LOST?

In closing: if anyone's interested, let’s play this game because maybe it will help me get back into the headspace to write again:

Pick a paragraph (or any passage less than 500 words) from any fanfic I've written, and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you a DVD commentary on that snippet: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what's going on in the character's heads, why I chose certain words, what this moment means in the context of the rest of the fic, lots of awful puns, and anything else that you'd expect to find on a DVD commentary track.

All my fic is here

ETA: Haha, I forgot that I was still doing that 30 day ship meme (after only 4 days; way to go, self!), but as long as I'm updating...

Jack/Juliet. Lost.

I feel kind of guilty about disliking Jack/Juliet so much because they’re like the least inoffensive ship in the history of television. And yet: I do dislike them. SO MUCH. I cannot stand them together. And it’s probably 90% due to the lack of chemistry between the actors. (That last 10% is that Juliet kind of annoys me when she’s around Jack, but I have ranted about that before, so.)

The thing is, I wanted to like them in season 3. I did. Lost still hadn’t totally hooked me because I couldn’t find a pairing to be really, really in to (and I’m such a giant girl that I apparently need this in all of my TV obsessions) and Jack and Juliet seemed to play off each other fairly well in the Hydra arc, when they were separated either by a pane of glass or surgical masks.

But as soon as they had to act physically attracted to each other, things just fell apart. Elizabeth Mitchell and Matthew Fox had such a lack of chemistry that it was legitimately uncomfortable for me to watch. Their two kissing scenes are two of the least sexy scenes I’ve ever seen. They are just so, SO awkward and stilted and completely without passion. They look like two middle school kids forced to kiss in a school play.

Ugh, it’s terrible and anyone who’s seen Gia or the Lost finale vending machine scene knows that EM isn’t the one at fault for the unsexiness. SOMEONE TEACH MATTHEW FOX HOW TO KISS. STAT.

writing, ship!meme, meme, lost

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